Where Our Forefathers Happier Than Us

Where Our Forefathers Happier Than Us

Our forefathers did not have cure for treating diseases. So, they lost a lot of loved ones and famous freedom fighters. But nowadays, we have doctors who help us from these diseases and medical conditions line COVID-19.

We have technology and gadgets which takes us away from experiencing life outside technology. Our forefathers had lot of fun in life the played many outdoor games and met people in real life not virtually.

We have started realizing now that we should have spent our time playing with our friends and family but now that we cannot meet them or play with them. We regret not using the time we had to explore, travel and have fun. But now because of coronavirus it’s the time we wish we could get one more chance.

Our forefathers were happier than us because nowadays, there is a lot of pollution which harms the ozone layer. Especially in Delhi there is a lot of pollution and coronavirus. With Yamuna water swelling  alarmingly.Delhi is in a really bad state.

But technology has finally come to some use. With technology we get to study virtually and keep in touch with our teachers and classmates. By the way, do not forget to keep in touch with the environment.

History is there to help us understand our forefathers mistakes which helps us to not continue it. Because history gives us the tools to analyse and explain problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible in the present. Providing a crucial perspective for understanding current and future problems.

We all have our own opinions on this, from my way, our forefathers were happier than us.



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